To my understanding the Mac 'Moneydance' still bundles its own Java, so I'm presuming that my platform's OpenJDK-11 is not an issue. I upgraded my Mac to OpenJDK-11 in course of moving our company's platform off EOL Java-8. However, (oddly) at bottom - we will see how attempts to launch the NEWER 20 are FAILING with 'system.log' indications that the OLD 'JavaApplicationStub' can NOT BE FOUND. Interestingly, it's Java executable is 'Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub', whereas in newer versions (2017, 2019), the Java executable is 'Contents/MacOs/Moneydance' - all of which are corroborated by their respective 'Contents/ist' entry: CFBundleExecutable. NOTE: I previously had a licensed/purchased Moneydance 2012.5 (862). First tried 2019.3 - all fix-attempts failed.Versions of Moneydance exhibiting problem: 20.3 20yrs+ Senior Java Engineer, Chief Architect, CTO of my company.OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9, mixed mode).OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9).Java version: (by exec: '$ java -version').'The application '' can't be opened' System Information